How Tuteediary reduce teachers workload:

Tuteediary is not a one of the usual or common school management system used in most of the schools today. The ultimate intention behind in building this Tuteediary application is to reduce the workload of the teachers, this application can reduce as much as teacher’s daily workload.

The only user-friendly application exist outside is Tuteediary, here users can do or get their information in the greater efficiency. Especially, teachers can utilize this platform to enhance the quality of their teaching techniques, student handling skills, technology usage percentage.

Teachers will have an individual dashboard to create, update and maintain their information which is pertained to school. Also they need only 10 minutes of their time to enter the exam marks, class test marks, and daily attendance of students. Except Tuteediary, no other application can do at best.

Tuteediary application is easily understandable and very easy to use. It will reduce 70% of workload of teachers once they start using this application. There are more than 200 teachers start using this application. Teachers will have exact status of their students’ performance based on their performance. Teachers also can verify, where she/he needs to improve based on their performance.


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